Stranger Things Seasons Ranked Worst to Best



It’s crazy to think that the phenomenon that is Stranger Things began over 10 years ago and still has yet to wrap up. With the upcoming finale to the show releasing in 2025, I thought it would be a good time to see how everything holds up all these years later. Stranger Things has been a consistently great and bingeworthy show full of 80’s nostalgia scattered throughout. Unfortunately, we do have to pick the “worst” one of the four seasons and that would be the sophomore effort from the Duffer Brothers. They build off the highs of season 1 by developing new relationships like Steve and Dustin’s or Nancy and Jonathan’s while also giving introducing us to the likes of Max and Bob (RIP). While the character development hits its strides with everyone this time, we do have to address the elephant in the room with one of them. Eleven gets thrown into the uninteresting “Lost Sisters” storyline midway through that stops the momentum of the season in its tracks.


The season of the Starcourt Mall is memorable for a few reasons. First of all, it has a distinct, vibrant aesthetic that stands out above the darkness of the others complete with almost too many throwbacks. Second of all, the amount of deaths that take place finally. With Hopper, Billy, and Alexei all biting the dust in the climax, we finally get some stakes after back to back seasons of crazy plot armor for the main cast. Speaking of the core group, they are probably given their worst and least material in the series such as the likes of Nancy, Jonathan, and Will. While some of that is undone a couple years later it still packs a few gut punches to make a statement. Last of all, the villain for the season in the MindFlayer is somewhat underwhelming and less impactful than the other antagonists the show has to offer.


I was realllll close to putting this at #1. Season four and season one both do a fantastic establish the lore of Stranger Things and the Upside Down. The only reason this isn’t up at #1 may be due to the lack of freshness amongst minor grievances but this is still peak Netflix original content. The decision here to split the storylines into four places makes sense but misses some of the magic ofd the show and that is when everyone is together. Nonetheless, what occurs in every area is entertaining stuff. I absolutely loved the introduction and development of THE series bad: Vecna. He is a terrifying presence who created some of the most iconic yet haunting deaths horror television has to offer. I would say there are two perfect scenes due to him with Max’s almost-death (TWICE). It is exhilaratingly tragic viewing complete with “running up the hill” and “when it’s cold I’d like to die” in the background enhancing the setting. I legit got more emotional and connect to the show at both instances than any other time watching. Therefore, this is a well deserved #2.

  1. SEASON 1

As is usually the case, the original trumps the rest. Stranger things was as its best when it was its most mysterious, nostalgiac, grounded in Hawkins, and when its core four was given a spotlight. Every character is given time to shine and charm (sorry Will) and best embodies how beloved the show is when they are. The soundtrack is also the best overall here in the series along with looking/feeling the most like its time. I don’t really have any complaints here and am very much looking forward to the finale.


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