Ted Lasso Seasons Ranked Worst to Best


All of the hype over Severance brought me to another Apple TV phenomenon in Ted Lasso that grabbed hearts around the world. Season four is uncertain at the moment, but here are the first three ranked in the meantime:

3. Season 3

I think the collective agreement amongst fans and critics is that its finale season is its worst. That doesn't mean its bad per se but it does not reach there greatness of the first two. It’s pretty uneven throughout due to some poor pacing of the episodes that do not benefit from their longer length. The humor that become synonymous with the show tends to miss more than hit here as well. They just tried to do too much here to a point where plot threads tend to feel underdeveloped. For example, Nate’s redemption arc is botched through his weird relationships with the hostess, ruining an incredible heel turn from the season two finale (more on that later). Then, there’s the Ted issue where takes a backseat to everything happening around him that just wasn't a good choice. On a lighter note, they give us a strong, fitting finale. Lastly, I also enjoyed Zava’s introduction, as it injected the show with some new blood/life and led to Ted’s acid trip where he “creates” total football.

2. Season 1

When the trailers for Ted Lasso dropped, it appeared to be a show about soccer and that turned some potential viewers away. Their loss. The heartfelt comedy established a group of characters with complex relationships. The humor is at its best in this season while also being the most optimistic of the three. Jason Sudekis kills it as the titular man and brings some surprising depth to an intially a one-note character while the supporting cast becomes more charming by the episode. It’s an easy and comforting watch throughout although I also believe that’s why it’s weaker than its sequel. It can be almost too simple and cheesy at times for me but it depends on what you’re in the mood for. Lastly, while things were predictable for awhile we get a refreshing subversion of expectations when they get relegated in the finale. Audiences have become accustomed to teams winning in the end and this foreshadowed fans that this show was a different breed.

Season 2

In the same way that White Lotus took parts of the best bits from its predecessor, Ted Lasso follows suit. This is the most balanced when it comes to the comedy, emotions, and tone. It truly finds its stride now that all the characters had been fully fledged out. There’s also some great long-term storytelling in Nate and Ted’s relationship that packs an incredible punch in the end. Jamie and Roy also get their time to shine with their new roles. I think the reason the character development sticks out in this is due to their introduction of the psychologist to kind of bring everyone’s motivations to the surface. It’s also the only season to end with a win and I find that its hit home even harder than it should’ve thanks to the genuine uncertainty created by the previous season. Ted Lasso is just a feel good show that you should check out if you ever get the itch for Apple TV.


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