Ranking the White Lotus Seasons Worst to Best
Sunday night’s newest weekly drop is some of the best television out there right there thanks to Mike White’s impeccable writing. With Season 3 underway, here are the seasons ranked worst to best.
3. Season 3 (so far)
Obviously, only a few episodes from the current season have dropped so I can’t place this anywhere else for now. It has some serious potential though with its theme of spiritually and death. As always, there are a myriad of mysteries going on that we don’t really have a clue as to where they will go and that is the beauty of White Lotus. The show is at its best when it is unpredictable and fortunately we don’t really have any answers as to where it’s leading to. Such as the three women who are “best friends” on the surface but hate each other at the same time is so intriguing. The blow up is about to be just wild. Another huge question mark beyond the future killing shooting spree for me is Rick’s obsession with the owner’s husband. Something tells me he is going to try and kill him due to his father’s death but really who knows. Lastly, there is the token family on a trip that is so f****** weird and borderline incestuous, yet I can’t look away. Looking forward to see how it ends!
2. Season 1
The hook of the show is very simple and effective. They establish numerous families and workers at the White Lotus hotel where one of the guests dies by the end of the vacation. Sure, it doesn't sound like much at face value and I think that’s what makes it so interesting. White and co. give us a singular character studies that weave in with other groups through incredibly realistic (not Tanya) and rich dialogue. Each season has a theme to focus on that allows us to explore various types of people. When it comes to the first series in particular, they center in on wealth and power. The star-studded cast (Alexandra Daddario, Steve Zahn, Sydney Sweeney, Jennifer Coolidge, etc.) takes turns stealing the show from each other through zany storylines and situations. What makes the characters so captivating is that there is no true protagonist and they all have their varying degree flaws that tend could deem many of them unlikable throughout. The show just didn't truly find itself and the magic it exudes until a few episodes in keeping it at #2.
Season 2
Season two of White Lotus took the premise and best parts of the original and made it into something truly groundbreaking. I mean, there is a reason it was won and was nominated for many categories at the Emmy’s. I also don’t want to overhype anything by any means, but I sincerely believe this is one of the best seasons in television history. Yes, that is a bold claim but that doesn't make it wrong. For starters, we get the return of Jennifer Coolidge’s iconic character giving us ridiculous moment after another (her death is the most her thing that could have happened to her). Then, there is the exploration of sexuality that I really enjoyed through its multiple plot lines. The foursome (two couples) probably showcases this the best with the sexual tension layered within them may be my favorite part of the show in general. The whole dynamic of the unknown that happened between them at times is also well executed. The writers put in the POV of the characters themselves in a clever way to create suspense and relatability with their actions (WHY WAS THE DOOR LATCHED?). I’d also love to give a shoutout to Albie’s whole white savior complex arc coupled with his notion that no one likes the nice guy. It’s just so accurate. Hopefully this is enough to convince you to give the show a shot! (Editors note: the theme song is a banger as well)